The Connecticut Residential Energy Preparation Services (REPS) Program

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In the past year, the Connecticut Residential Energy Preparation Services (REPS) program has been making waves in the state’s energy efficiency landscape by eliminating health and safety barriers. Operated by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection in partnership with ICAST, REPS provides a lifeline for low-income households left out of critical weatherization services.

For many low-income households, the hope of making their home more comfortable and reducing energy bills via weatherization is blocked by mold, asbestos, outdated wiring, and other safety hazards. These issues force state weatherization programs to defer households, leaving families in limbo with high energy costs, drafty homes, and unsafe living conditions.

REPS takes an innovative approach by addressing these challenges head-on and providing health and safety remediations to prepare homes for weatherization services through other Connecticut programs. Once the hazards are removed, these homes can receive their weatherization upgrades like insulation and air sealing. This reduces energy bills, improves indoor air quality, and creates healthier, safer living environments for the state’s most vulnerable residents—people with asthma, children, the elderly, the disabled, etc.

REPS has achieved deep impacts for Connecticut communities this year. In the last six months alone, ICAST prepared 202 units for weatherization. At this pace, the program is on track to remediate nearly 400 units within 12 months. By September 2025, the REPS program aims to prepare more than 620 income-eligible households for the Connecticut Weatherization Assistance Program. All this work is provided at no out-of-pocket cost to the households served.

The impact is felt especially by those whose homes have been remediated. “Everything went perfect! Everyone was nice, and the staff was very professional,” said Jaquelyn, a REPS participant who had asbestos abatement completed in her home.

Ed, another recipient of extensive mold remediation work, had a similar opinion: “ICAST was a fine company to work with. I am very pleased with everything they did. I want to thank you all 1,001 times for the care given to my home and to my needs.”

These accomplishments showcase the program’s transformative impact, helping families across Connecticut overcome barriers to warmer and more energy-efficient homes while creating healthier living environments. ICAST looks forward to continuing our work with REPS to make a lasting change for residents across Connecticut in the new year ahead.

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