Demand-Side Management


 Click below to download ICAST's guide to designing, launching, and managing programs for multifamily housing. Learn how to coordinate DSM programs with multiple funding sources and meet program goals quicker and more efficiently while achieving higher energy savings.

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Helping Utilities meet their Demand-Side Management (DSM) goals with an innovative, turnkey approach targeting the multifamily market

Demand side management retrofit in progressA tall building surrounded by treesThree people around a table discussing demand side management plans.
ICAST administers DSM programs throughout the U.S. and sees its Utility clients as collaborators in delivering services to the multifamily (MF) customer.

ICAST has over a decade of experience providing energy efficiency (EE) services to the hard-to-serve MF market. The ICAST One-Stop-Shop (OSS) service model includes property assessments, design, engineering, procurement, construction management, contractor selection and supervision, financing, education and training, and reporting functions all in one place. The OSS model ensures a cost-effective program.

    The ICAST Value Proposition:  

    • A pay-for-performance contract tied to energy savings
    • A time-tested method to develop a project pipeline
    • Exemplary project management which includes a single point of contact to ensure effective communications
    • A flexible program designed to ensure continuous improvements
    • Comprehensive measurement and verification processes
    • A focus on whole-property, deep energy retrofits that addresses entire MF properties and covers both residential and commercial meters 
    • A unique ability to identify, leverage, and cooperate with other programs with incentives, grants, and resources (e.g., the Weatherization Assistance Program, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac green incentives, and tax credits)
    • Green construction training for local disadvantaged individuals to deliver the upgrades

    ICAST can leverage its extensive network of EE equipment manufacturers, architects, banks, CPA firms, realtors, housing associations and developers, Low-income housing tax credit investors and syndicators, etc. as well as its expertise in energy, financing, housing, and community development, to deliver:

    Direct install (DI) programs: installing free EE upgrades (such as LED lighting) and replacing failed equipment.

    Deep retrofit programs: installing all possible EE upgrades (such as heat pump technology) and retiring functioning, yet inefficient systems.

    ICAST DSM Programs

    ICAST DSM Model Trade Allies / Contractors  Utility • Energy Savings • Customized Program • Rebate Admin  Multifamily Customers  ICAST DSM Program   Market to MF owners Energy Audits Develop Scope for Deep EE Retrofits M&V Contractor Selection/Management Assist with Project Financing Rebate Management

    Benefit to MF customers: ICAST DSM programs help MF customers:

    • Secure rebates and incentives to reduce the cost of their green retrofits
    • Improve the health and energy efficiency of properties and households
    • Reduce utility bills

    Benefit to Utilities: ICAST DSM offerings can be customized to:

    • Meet and exceed regulatory requirements
    • Support the energy grid through measures that increase demand flexibility and control (e.g., EE and renewable energy leveraged with energy management systems)

    ICAST OSS Services

    One STOP Shop Multifamily Building Retrofits •	Design-Build contractor •	Turnkey General Contractor services for complete rehabilitation of MF properties •	Energy & water efficiency retrofit services Consulting •	Net Zero Energy Design •	Green certifications such as Energy Star, NGBS, LEED •	Portfolio analysis including Benchmarking  •	Property Analysis including Energy Audits, Energy Modeling, eCNA, GPNA, etc. •	Measurement and Verification (M&V) services for Energy and Water savings Financial Services Provide access to financing with partner TBL Fund (   •	Green loan products & incentives from FHA, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac •	Energy financing including EPC, PACE, PPA, EaaS, etc. •	Incentives including rebates, grants, tax credits and deductions, etc. •	LIHTC and other affordable housing financing strategiesOne STOP Shop Multifamily Building Retrofits •	Design-Build contractor •	Turnkey General Contractor services for complete rehabilitation of MF properties •	Energy & water efficiency retrofit services Consulting •	Net Zero Energy Design •	Green certifications such as Energy Star, NGBS, LEED •	Portfolio analysis including Benchmarking  •	Property Analysis including Energy Audits, Energy Modeling, eCNA, GPNA, etc. •	Measurement and Verification (M&V) services for Energy and Water savings Financial Services Provide access to financing with partner TBL Fund (   •	Green loan products & incentives from FHA, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac •	Energy financing including EPC, PACE, PPA, EaaS, etc. •	Incentives including rebates, grants, tax credits and deductions, etc. •	LIHTC and other affordable housing financing strategiesOne STOP Shop Multifamily Building Retrofits •	Design-Build contractor •	Turnkey General Contractor services for complete rehabilitation of MF properties •	Energy & water efficiency retrofit services Consulting •	Net Zero Energy Design •	Green certifications such as Energy Star, NGBS, LEED •	Portfolio analysis including Benchmarking  •	Property Analysis including Energy Audits, Energy Modeling, eCNA, GPNA, etc. •	Measurement and Verification (M&V) services for Energy and Water savings Financial Services Provide access to financing with partner TBL Fund (   •	Green loan products & incentives from FHA, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac •	Energy financing including EPC, PACE, PPA, EaaS, etc. •	Incentives including rebates, grants, tax credits and deductions, etc. •	LIHTC and other affordable housing financing strategies

    Market Opportunity

    • 25% of the U.S. residential market and typically over 2/3rd of tenants qualify as low-income
    • Over 35,000,000 market-rate rental MF units
    • Over 5,000,000 Department of Housing and Urban Development subsidized MF units
    • MF housing is an underserved and untapped market due to a variety of market barriers

    Market Barriers

    • Split-Incentive: Owners may not pay for the utility bills and therefore do not believe they will receive any financial benefits from EE upgrades while the tenants recoup the utility savings. This focus on utility bills often obscures other benefits for MF owners, such as increased tenant retention and reduced operations and maintenance costs.
    • Lack of Resources: Many MF owners do not have the resources to dedicate to EE projects, and energy upgrades are not high priorities when expending resources on capital improvements.
    • Lack of Knowledge of Energy Upgrades and their Value: When property owners/managers do attempt energy improvements, they often do not have the knowledge necessary to make cost-effective decisions.
    • Distrust of DSM Programs: Many property owners/managers do not understand why a utility would incentivize a program that will reduce its revenues.
    • Myth of Green: Many owners and managers believe the prevalent myth that "going green" is always expensive.

    Multifamily Specialists

    • ICAST has served the MF market since 2004 and focused exclusively on MF since 2010. ICAST understands MF corporate and regulatory structures, has experience working with property owners and managers, and has partnered with national MF service providers.

    Demand side retrofit in progress