ICAST Carbon Credit Project 

ICAST’s Carbon Credit Project monetizes the value of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission reductions achieved through our green, whole-building retrofits for multifamily (MF) housing in order to fund future projects. Our carbon credits are calculated through the conversion of energy savings into greenhouse gas reductions using methods verified by a certified third-party. Emission reductions reflect the amount of electricity a power plant does not need to produce. Retrofits include energy efficiency (EE) upgrades such as low-flow water devices (including shower heads and bathroom or kitchen aerators); LED lighting; smart thermostats; and high-efficiency heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems; as well as photovoltaic (PV) solar installations. These upgrades produce significant co-benefits for low- and moderate-income (LMI) communities in line with the triple bottom line standard of our mission: 

Social: projects create safer, healthier, and more affordable homes, which can alleviate physical, mental, and financial stress for LMI tenants. Additionally, ICAST empowers residents by educating them on the newly installed equipment as well as the importance of sustainable resource use.  

Economic: projects can reduce tenant utility bills and healthcare costs associated with unhealthy living conditions (MF properties are often older and more likely to have health hazards such as poor indoor air quality). Additionally, as part of its retrofits, ICAST provides green workforce education and training for disadvantaged youth and other community members to help them access well-paying job opportunities.

Environmental: projects reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as well as water and energy waste, and may prevent unnecessary development by preserving existing housing.                                                                         

ICAST believes that it is the first organization to register carbon credits from aggregated projects specifically associated with residential EE retrofits. The revenue generated through this program is used to support, expand, and enhance our triple bottom line impacts for LMI communities throughout the U.S  

Frequently Asked Questions 

How many carbon credits does ICAST currently have registered? 

We have 25,000 tons available for sale from our past projects.

How were these credits produced? 

These carbon credits were produced through calculated energy savings at four MF sites in Utah and New Mexico 

How much do ICAST credits cost? 

Any investment in ICAST carbon credits will produce significant co-benefits. Please contact us for additional details about our pricing. Any individuals or organizations interested in supporting energy efficiency and solar projects in the MFAH marketspace, especially those located in states positively impacted by our projects, should consider this first of its kind carbon credit project.

Why did ICAST choose the CSA GHG CleanProjects™ Registry? 

ICAST researched several potential registries and methodologies for calculating GHG reductions. However, many existing registries have no methodologies associated with EE measures or PV solar. The CSA voluntary registry allowed us to both aggregate our smaller retrofit projects and calculate our associated CO2 reductions accurately and efficiently.  

Will ICAST have more registered carbon credits in the future? 

ICAST plans to aggregate additional projects from our portfolio of past and current projects and register those carbon offsets in the near future. This aggregated registry will include an additional 20,000 tons for sale in 2022. ICAST carbon credits will grow by an additional 25% each year thereafter (i.e. 25,000 tons in 2023). These estimations are static and do not include the energy savings from future ICAST projects which will be incorporated into our registry as they are completed.  

View ICAST’s registered carbon credits here: Project Details (csaregistries.ca) 

Downloadable Brochure for Potential Carbon Credit Purchasers here: 

ICAST Carbon Credit Program

For additional carbon credit inquiries, please contact: 

Ravi Malhotra

