ICAST has over four years of experience working in the RAD industry in both a consulting role and as an energy efficiency expert. Our engineering team has completed over 500 MF property assessments and has 16 years of experience in conducting eCNAs, ASHRAE Level 2 audits for various MF properties, from garden style, row homes, mid-rise and high-rise properties.
ICAST’s consulting specializes in assisting Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) take advantage of the RAD conversion program, and specifically, how to increase your RAD Rent, through the RAD Green Incentive program. We help you overcome the regulatory hurdles, necessary assessments and deliver the Rent increase number needed for your Rad Finance Plan.
Our Services:
Capital Needs Assessments
• Capital Needs Assessments (eCNA’s), Green Physical Needs Assessments (GPNA’s), Energy Audits and Investment Grade Audits.
• Experience with HUD and USDA-RD MF housing requirements & DOE energy payback requirements.
• Comfortable with both the ASHRAE Level 2 Audit and the HUD eCNA tool
Energy Auditing
• ICAST has experience in conducting ASHRAE Level 1-3 audits which fulfill HUD RAD and EPC regulatory requirements.
• ICAST performs energy payback modeling using a program created and approved by the Dept. of Energy
• ICAST will analyze your existing energy audit report for opportunities to reduce costs while improving the energy saving opportunities that help increase your RAD Rent.
RAD Green Incentive with ICAST’s Utility Baseline Analysis. • ICAST computes baseline energy consumption using actual utility data, reducing the possibility of relying on incorrect assumptions and inaccurate computations.
• If actual data is not available, energy modeling software, including EQUest, TREAT, NEAT, RemDesign, can be used.
• ICAST uses energy modeling to develop cost savings estimates that lead to your Rent increase (RAD allows you to increase your rent by 75% of the monthly energy cost savings we calculate per apartment).