ICAST Selected to Conduct Solar Feasibility Analysis for Tribe in New Mexico

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The Pueblo of Zia, a federally recognized Tribe situated atop a basalt mesa in north-central New Mexico, has retained ICAST to determine the feasibility of solar installations on their land.

ICAST will explore two types of solar systems:

  • a 5 MW community solar farm on tribal land, and
  • smaller solar systems to be installed behind-the-meter on Zia Pueblo’s buildings, such as the Zia Enrichment Library, the T’siya Enrichment Center, the Health and Wellness Center, the Tribal Administration Building, and the Zia Pueblo Senior Center.

ICAST is thrilled to support the Pueblo of Zia in its aim to achieve increased energy equity and economic and energy resilience for its residents. The timeframe for this effort is one year, with the first month focused on staff coordination and planning. This will be followed by technical and business analysis, and the project will conclude with ICAST delivering its findings and recommendations to the Tribe.

About Zia Pueblo:

The Zia Pueblo is comprised of Keresan-speaking Indians who have continuously occupied the site since the 13th century. Archaeologists believe that the Zia people are descendants of the Ancestral Puebloan (Anasazi) people of the Four Corners region, who migrated to the Jemez River Valley sometime in the 13th century. In recognition of Zia’s long history and unique culture, the Zia Pueblo is listed in the National Register of Historic Places.


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