ICAST Exceeding Goals for Healthy Homes Grant. In 2022, the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development awarded ICAST nearly $2 million for a Healthy Homes (HH) Production Grant in New Mexico. We have been diligently working on retrofitting low-income multifamily housing units, with the aim of significantly improving health conditions and energy efficiency for the residents. As part of …
TBL Fund Announcing New Bridge Loan Product to Facilitate Green Projects
Originally published on tblfund.org The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has created a wealth of opportunities to scale green solutions like heat pumps, solar, energy storage, and weatherization in underserved communities. To pursue holistic clean energy solutions, stakeholders can access tax credits, grants, and other incentives. Triple Bottom Line Foundation’s (TBL Fund) focus is serving indigenous communities and multifamily affordable housing …