ICAST Awarded Statewide Multifamily WAP Program
by New Mexico.
ICAST is proud to announce that it has been selected as the Weatherization Assistance Program service provider for multifamily housing in the state of New Mexico by the New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority’s Energy$mart Program. ICAST has partnered with MFA in the past for similar work The funding for the Energy$mart Program is provided by the Department of Energy, LIHEAP and from utility companies in New Mexico.
LA Gets Nation’s Lowest Cost PV Project at 2 Cents/kWh.
Los Angeles’ municipal utility is readying a 25-year power purchase agreement for 400 MWac of solar power at 1.997¢/kWh along with 200 MW/800 MWh of energy storage at 1.3¢/kWh. There is no price escalator, and the solar portion is a record low price for the United States. It even beats out the current US pricing leader – 8minute’s 2.375¢/kWh from the 300 MW Eagle Shadow Mountain solar project. The Kern County project is expected to receive a Note to Proceed with Construction in late 2022, with first installed capacity able to deliver in April of 2023, and a guaranteed commercial operation date of the last day of 2023.
ICAST completes Solar Installation for Housing Authority.
ICAST has installed 230 kW of solar PV for the Housing Authority of the City of Truth or Consequences, NM, through an Energy Performance Contract, approved by HUD. ICAST is installing solar panels to power two separate sites, Villa Del Sol and Vista Del Cerro. The last week in July saw crews installing metal frames, and photovoltaic panels, as well as all the electrical hookups, to bring the systems online.
Satellite Imagery to Track CO2 and Pollution Data
From Every Power Plant in the World.
An artificial intelligence firm called WattTime is going to use satellite imagery to precisely track the air pollution (including carbon emissions) coming out of every single power plant in the world, in real time. And it’s going to make the data public. The plan is to use data from satellites as well as from several private companies that charge for their data, publically available.. The data will come from a variety of sensors operating at different wavelengths, including thermal infrared that can detect heat. Between visible smoke, heat, and NO2, WattTime will be able to derive exact, real- time emissions information, including information on carbon emissions, for every power plant in the world.
ICAST’s Impact in the Community it Serves
ICAST is making great strides in its triple bottom-line impact in the communities where it operates and the environment. Summary of our impact:
Low-to-Moderate Income Households Served: 19,352
Investments Made in Local Communities: $19.1 Million
Lifetime Utility Cost Savings Created: $43 Million
Sustainable Jobs Created: 383
Carbon Emissions Reduced Over Lifetime of Upgrades: 250,764 tons